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Archeovision répond aux appels aux projets institutionnels (ANR, Région, Universités, ERC, etc…) et plusieurs projets scientifiques sont en cours  :

Les publications :

173 documents

  • Rémy Chapoulie, Sâm Ghavami. Le TEMple précolombien de la Huaca Pintada, Pérou. Etude archéométrique de sa Polychromie – TEMPO. 2024. ⟨hal-04699061⟩
  • Rémy Chapoulie. Portrait de Rémy Chapoulie. 2024. ⟨hal-04699021⟩
  • Vincent Baillet, Rémy Chapoulie, Bruno Dutailly, Francesca Galluzzi, Pascal Mora, et al.. A new approach to locate, characterise and restore in 3D polychromy of Apollo’s temple at Delphi (4th century B. C.).. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, In press, Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, 34, pp.e00345. ⟨10.1016/j.daach.2024.e00345⟩. ⟨halshs-04455195⟩
  • Eliza Orellana-González, Henri Duday, Marcella Leone, Yannick Lefrais, Stéphan Dubernet, et al.. La fluorosi a Cuma tra l’età tardorepubblicana e l’età augustea (II secolo a.C.-I secolo d.C.): un approccio multidisciplinare applicato ai resti umani cremati. Toccare Terra Approdi e Conoscenze. I Convegno di Archeologie Flegree Parco Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei, All'insegna del Giglio, 2023, 978-88-928-5181-8. ⟨hal-04597461⟩
  • Pauline Claisse, Charlotte Marembert, Rémy Chapoulie, Mohamed Dallel, Aurélie Mounier. In search of the orcein used in the hanging of the Lady and the Unicorn. The 42nd International Conference of Dyes in Hystory and Archaeology, Oct 2023, Copenhague, Denmark. ⟨hal-04662169⟩
  • Delphine Lacanette, Léna Bassel, Fabien Salmon, Jean-Christophe Portais, Bruno Bousquet, et al.. Climate of a cave laboratory representative for rock art caves in the Vézère area (south-west France). International Journal of Speleology, 2023, 52 (2), pp.85-100. ⟨10.5038/1827-806X.52.2.2442⟩. ⟨hal-04561300⟩
  • Pauline Claisse, Francesca Galluzzi, Floréal Daniel, Rémy Chapoulie, Mohamed Dallel, et al.. SWIR hyperspectral imaging to unveil the numerous restorations of the Lady and the Unicorn tapestry (15th C, Musée de Cluny). TechnArt 2023, May 2023, Lisbon, Portugal. ⟨hal-04662181⟩
  • Hortense de La Codre, Christian Aupetit, Rémy Chapoulie, Laurent Servant, Aurélie Mounier. Light-fastness of blue indigo in 18th Century French tapestries. Dyes in History and archaeology, 37/40, pp.131-142, 2023. ⟨hal-04366124⟩
  • Pauline Claisse, Hortense de La Codre, Rémy Chapoulie, Mohamed Dallel, Floréal Daniel, et al.. Dyes and textile fibres of an iconic tapestry set from the medieval period to the present day: The Lady and the Unicorn (15 th century, Musée de Cluny). inArt 2022: 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology, Jul 2022, Paris, France. ⟨hal-04662216⟩
  • E. Odelli, F. Volpintesta, S. Raneri, Y. Lefrais, D. Beconcini, et al.. Digital image analysis on cathodoluminescence microscopy images for ancient ceramic classification: methods, applications, and perspectives. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2022, 137 (5), pp.611. ⟨10.1140/epjp/s13360-022-02774-9⟩. ⟨hal-04393066⟩

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