The Archeovision platform is based on an original set-up, combining skills from the public sector (CNRS/universities) and the private sector (ADERA, a SAS subsidiary of the Universities of Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Pau and Bordeaux INP), brought together in a single entity. The strong links between Archeovision Research and Archeovision Production enable daily exchanges between the two groups, each sharing its expertise with the other. This structure works in the field of 3D applied to cultural heritage.
The Archeovision platform is attached to the Mixte Research Unit (UMR 6034) Archéosciences Bordeaux, based on the Pessac campus.
Archeovision Resarch’s main mission is to manage 3D projects, or to support project leaders who wish to integrate a 3D component into their research (digitization, restitution, valorization, archiving, backup via 3D databases). Archeovision Research can collaborate on any scientific program involving 3D.
Archeovision Research can also produce expert reports, both confidential and non-confidential.
Assisting 3D projects in the fields of cultural heritage, creative and cultural industries, and more particularly in research and development, is part of our mission. Indeed, the use of 3D technologies requires in-depth, complex reflection before embarking on ambitious, sometimes costly projects, whose technological substrate is constantly evolving.
Over the course of its projects, Archeovision Research has developed a methodology to ensure the proper use of 3D as a research tool in line with SHS scientific objectives. This methodology needs to be adapted to each project’s specific requirements.
In response to the many requests for expertise and support we receive, we ensure the scientific validation of the uses of 3D in the answers we provide.
Our resulting research themes:
- Any research problem involving 3D in cultural heritage and creative and cultural industries, whatever the object of study and its geochronology: architecture, statuary, prehistoric caves, habitats, archaeological and/or museum objects…
- Matter and Appearance are two of the keywords that concern our main line of research
- Validation of 3D protocols, including accuracy and precision of 3D models
- Organization, management and backup of data (database)
- Participation in or preparation of training courses for targeted audiences (masters, PhD students, young researchers, etc.)
- Definition and proposal of subjects for internships within our programs; hosting of interns from Masters, PhD and engineering schools.
The frameworks for our work can be found in programs funded by various institutions: Universities, CNRS, Regions, ANR, European Commission…
This 3D-related work is part of each of the 3 axes of the UMR Archéosciences Bordeaux, and has numerous links with other research teams in France and abroad.
Archeovision Production’s activity is centered on the use of 3D, in all its forms, in the service of the archaeological sciences, cultural heritage and the Creative and Cultural Industries.
The company’s areas of expertise are organized around several main axes:
- 3D digitization
- Production of graphic documents (plans, surveys, drawings, photographs, etc.)
- 3D reconstruction of heritage sites and objects
- Heritage enhancement (films, VR, AR, XR experiences, interactive interfaces, etc.)
- Exhibition design and production
The projects carried out by Archeovision Production have led its members to work in a variety of contexts (museums, threatened archaeological sites or monuments, caves, underwater environments) and all over the world (Ethiopia, Gabon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Sri Lanka, etc.). This great diversity of projects has enabled the team to be totally adaptable and innovative in order to respond to all kinds of requests.
From prehistory to industrial archaeology, Archeovision Production puts all its experience and expertise to provide a relevant and appropriate response to the needs of institutions or private structures.
Archeovision Production is a department of ADERA SAS, a subsidiary of the Universities of Bordeaux, La Rochelle, Pau and Bordeaux INP. The department was created in 2005 under the impetus of the CNRS and the Nouvelle Aquitaine region, to meet the needs of cultural heritage professionals wishing to integrate 3D into their projects in a reactive and operational way.
Archeovision Production’s agreement with the CNRS Mixte Research Unit Archéosciences Bordeaux enables us to offer a unique and immediate response to all types of requests and services, while maintaining an irreproachable level of scientific rigor and ethics, as well as the guarantee of know-how based on innovative research.