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For over 15 years, Archeovision Production has been providing all kinds of services for cultural heritage professionals and institutions (museums, local authorities, archaeological site owners, laboratories, etc.).

From prehistory to industrial archaeology, whether in the fields of 3D digitization, archaeological or architectural survey, reconstruction or valorization, Archeovision Production puts all its experience and expertise to bring a relevant and adapted answer to the needs of institutions or private structures.

  • 3D digitization (lasergrammetry, terrestrial and aerial photogrammetry, airborne Lidar, topographic surveys).
  • Archaeological and architectural surveys, production of drawings and orthoimages
  • 3D modelling and reconstructions of lost sites,
  • Production of cultural heritage dedicated BIM
  • Production of films and interactive interfaces
  • Experiments in Mixed, Virtual or Augmented Reality
  • Exhibition design and production
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